Tuesday 13 December 2011

Beware! Cyber criminals using FanBox for Scamming

I shared lot of scams and spam mails on my blog 'Internet Fraud and Cyber Scams'; but today I'm going to share a weird mail/message which I received in my Fanbox inbox. 

Beware of cyber criminals trying to use FanBox for scamming FanBox community 

As a member of Fanbox community I use to receive several mails/messages in my Fanbox inbox, which is quite normal activity for Fanbox users and members to communicate with each other.

As soon as I saw the message, I was deadly sure that this is a scam to cheat Fanbox users and members. The popularity of Fanbox is certainly enticing cyber cowboys to utilize their skills in cheating people using this forum. 

Cyber criminals are hunting each and every possibility to exploit innocent internet users and popular forums and platforms are their prime targets.

Continue reading on my original blog on FanBox.

Monday 12 December 2011

Top Earners on FanBox from Pakistan and Around the Globe

Today I'm going to start a new series of posts on this blog in which I will share the list of top earners on Fanbox from Pakistan and from around the globe. This is an effort to put some research work to analyze the ways with which these top earners managed to achieve this enormous success working on FanBox.

The updated and latest 'Worldwide Leader Board' as on December 11 is given below:

FanBox Leaderboard as on Sunday (Dec. 11) - Click to Enlarge
On the other hand; the updated and latest 'Leader Board' from Pakistan as on December 11 is given below:

FanBox Leaderboard from Pakistan as on Sunday (Dec. 11)
Comparing both leader boards given above; the first thing which any one can notice that there is no one from Pakistan who is representing on top ten occupiers of Worldwide Leaderboard. What might be the reasons behind this factor..?? We'll discuss it later.  

In the mean time, I invite my readers to visit Fanbox and the individual profiles of these top earners on both leaderboards so that you can add your suggestions and feedback to my next post. 

So stay tuned for the next post in which I'll try to workout the secrets behind the success of these leaders on FanBox.

Saturday 10 December 2011

FanBox Proof of Payment -- Second FanBox Check for Shamood

FanBox: A Website 'that gives back revenue to its users and their favorite charitable causes'

Working online to earn something extra is always risky as most of the websites, claiming easy online earning, exploit the members and in 95 percent cases the online workers get just nothing out of their investment in shape on time and sometime in shape of money too.

FanBox: A Website That Gives Back Revenue to its Users.....
 I've been working on quite a few online platforms to earn some extra money, before and after joining FanBox in March 2010 (if my memory guides me exactly), but the first online earning was materialize through FanBox.

First of my FanBox check was around $215 and arrived  suddenly in November 2010 as a surprise for me, even I've applied for cashout on FanBox, but wasn't expecting a real and tangible return in my hands. This was made possible only because of FanBox. Then I got to believe that few websites are there which are working honestly to benefit those who are striving for those websites only sparing the time and distributing knowledge on their behalf.

In January 2011 I received my second check from FanBox and then I decided to share it with my friends and fans on FanBox to encourage them and let them believe that' FanBox Really Pays'. I shared my story on Fan Box on January 13 on my FanBox blog "My FanBox Story" under the heading of Hurrah - I Received My Check From FanBox.

The same post I'm going to share here as a proof of payment from FanBox, making it a legitimate website 'that gives back revenue to its users and their favorite charitable causes'. 


Post Date: January 13, 2011 

Posted by Sh@mood G

I'm receiving quite a few messages from my friends and fans on the FanBox asking whether "FanBox is a legitimate website". Most of them concerned about payments from the FaBox. 

Many of them are unable to understand the mystery of earning on FanBox. Few of them ask me "How FanBox is mananging to pay its bloggers?" How FanBox is earning to distribute among FanBox bloggers. Quite a few asked me, as an relatively old FanBoxer (lolz, I mean FanBox blogger), whether I received any payment from FanBox.

Proof of FanBox Payment: Second FanBox Check for Shamood
 All these queries and question gave me idea to start another blog on FanBox; where I will try to answer, up to my knowledge and research about FanBox, all these equerries and questions asked by readers, my fanz and Friendz.
For my first post here; I just want to tell you all that......


But now I will need comments and suggestions from all of my readers, fanz and friendz. I'll welcome any type of questions and queries about FanBox and will try to satisfy utmost as per my knowledge and research based on your specific queries.

Friday 9 December 2011

FanBox Blogging Contest -- Win $1,000 for best of your blogging abilities

FanBox Blogging Contest -- Win $1,000 for best of your blogging abilities

This is my first post for this blog just moments after its birth (creation) following an interesting and informative post by Johnny Cash (aka JC) on Fanbox.com.

After a successful campaign of "FanBox Video Contest”, the ever-dynamic FanBox team has come up with another unique idea of "FanBox's Blogging Contest" and the winner will receive a prize of $1,000 (One Thousand US Dollars). Behold dear readers! This is not the only prize; but FanBox is quite generous to distribute the cash prizes to encourage the FanBox community members as the first runner up in this contest will get $500 and the second runner up to receive $250. The next 17 (seventeen) in the queue will receive $50.

Every one from FanBox community can participate in this contest and the winner will be decided by a panel of judges.

The BIG CONCEPT behind this ‘FanBox Blogging Contest’ is to bring all great features and unique ideas from other blogging sites to our own blogging site “FanBox”. Therefore, the participants are advised by Johnny Cash to highlight the features they like while working on other blogging sites, which later on be incorporated by FanBox engineers to FanBox website. That will make FanBox – A PLACE TO HAVE FUN WHILE LEARNING AND EARNING.  

This unique idea will not only boost the reputation and page rank of FanBox on search engines; but it will also open the new horizons of ‘Knowledge Revolution’ – the motto of FanBox and its team – for the FanBox members, especially the participants of ‘FanBox Blogging Contest’.

‘FanBox Blogging Contest’ will run through the period from the date of publishing of Johnny Cash’s post to January 15, 2012. The date of contest can be changed with the advice of panel of judges.

This is all for today, but I’ll keep on sharing my own personal experience at FanBox as I’ve been intact with FanBox since March 2010.